Due Diligence for Lenders Engineering
DESL provides technical, financial, economic, environmental and social due diligence services for lenders for renewable energy projects (Biomass, Waste-to-Energy, Hydro Power, Solar and Wind Energy. Services have been provided for projects in India, China, Bangladesh, Nepal and Vietnam.
Capacity Building
At DESL, we provide professional training and capacity building as part of assignments and as standalone assignments to different stakeholder groups – at village level for rural energy projects; operator level on-the-job training in MSME industries; professional training programmes for engineers; and capacity building for government programmes.
Policy Studies
We have conducted several policy studies for government agencies, in support of decision making for promotion of various renewable sources of energy (like biomass, solar PV, solar water heating, hydro, etc.) and power sector regulatory bodies.
Project Development Studies
We have a vast experience of project development studies for donor agencies like ADB, GIZ, UNDP, UNIDO, World Bank, etc. for Project Preparatory Technical Assistance (PPTA) studies and Implementation support projects in the field of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
DESL in the Global Market
DESL has established itself as a reputed player in the global consulting market in the area of energy efficiency and renewable energy. DESL has already executed projects in a large number of countries including Algeria, Bahrain, Belize, Bangladesh, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Ghana Indonesia, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, People’s Republic of China, Philippines, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sultanate of Oman, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, United States and Vietnam.